API · Router
The Riot Router is the minimal router implementation with such technologies:
- pushState and history API
- multiple routing groups
- replacable parser
- isomorphic
- use a polyfill for ie9 support and earlier. Because ie.
Setup routing
Execute the given callback
when the URL changes. For example
riot.route(function(collection, id, action) {
If for example the url changes to customers/987987/edit
then in the above example the arguments would be:
collection = 'customers'
id = '987987'
action = 'edit'
The url can change in the following ways:
- A new hash is typed into the location bar
- When the back/forward buttons are pressed
- When
is called - Anchor tag is clicked
riot.route(filter, callback)
>= v2.3
Execute the given callback
when the URL changes and it match the filter
. For example:
// matches to just `/fruit`
riot.route('/fruit', function(name) {
console.log('The list of fruits')
) are allowed in filter
and you can capture them as arguments:
// if the url change to `/fruit/apple`,
// this will match and catch 'apple' as `name`
riot.route('/fruit/*', function(name) {
console.log('The detail of ' + name)
// if the url change to `/blog/2015-09/01`,
// this will match and catch '2015', '09' and '01'
riot.route('/blog/*-*/*', function(year, month, date) {
console.log('The page of ' + year + '-' + month + '-' date)
If you want to match the url /old
and /old/and/anything
, it could be written with ..
riot.route('/old..', function() {
console.log('The pages under /old was moved.')
It could be useful when the url includes search queries.
// if the url change to `/search?keyword=Apple` this will match
riot.route('/search..', function() {
var q = riot.route.query()
console.log('Search keyword: ' + q.keyword)
// it could be written like this,
// but be aware that `*` can match only alphanumerics and underscore
riot.route('/search?keyword=*', function(keyword) {
console.log('Search keyword: ' + keyword)
Note: Internally wildcards are converted to such regular expressions:
>= v2.3
Returns a new routing context. For example:
var subRoute = riot.route.create()
subRoute('/fruit/apple', function() { /* */ })
See also Routing group and Routing priority section, for detail.
Use router
riot.route(to[, title, shouldReplace])
Changes the browser URL and notifies all the listeners assigned with riot.route(callback)
. For example:
From v2.3, you can set the title, too:
riot.route('customers/267393/edit', 'Editing customer page')
With the third argument, you can replace the current history. It’s useful when the app needs redirect to another page.
riot.route('not-found', 'Not found', true)
- without
will be used. - with
will be used.
Start listening the url changes.
>= v2.3
Riot doesn’t start
its router automatically. DON’T FORGET TO START IT BY YOURSELF. This also means that you can choose your favorite router.
(Note: before v2.3 Riot started the router automatically. The behavior was changed)
Start listening the url changes and also exec routing on the current url.
This is a shorthand for:
>= v2.3
Riot doesn’t start
its router automatically. DON’T FORGET TO START IT BY YOURSELF. This also means that you can choose your favorite router.
(Note: before v2.3 Riot started the router automatically. The behavior was changed)
Stop all the routings. It’ll removes the listeners and clear also the callbacks.
You typically use this method together with riot.route.start. Example:
riot.route.stop() // clear all the old router callbacks
riot.route.start() // start again
>= v2.3
Stop only subRoute’s routings. It’ll removes the listeners and clear also the callbacks.
var subRoute = riot.route.create()
subRoute('/fruit/apple', function() { /* */ })
Study the current browser path “in place” and emit routing without waiting for it to change.
riot.route(function() { /* define routing */ })
Warning: riot.route.exec(callback)
was deprecated from v2.3
>= v2.3
This is an utility function to extract the query from the url. For example:
// if the url change to `/search?keyword=Apple&limit=30` this will match
riot.route('/search..', function() {
var q = riot.route.query()
console.log('Search keyword: ' + q.keyword)
console.log('Search limit: ' + q.limit)
Customize router
Change the base path. If you have the url like this:
You could set the base to /app
, then you will have to take care of only /fruit/apple
The default base
value is “#”. If you’d like to use hashbang, change it to #!
If you remove the #
from the base, your web server needs to deliver your app no matter what url comes in, because your app, in the browser, is manipulating the url. The web server doesn’t know how to handle the URL.
riot.route.parser(parser[, secondParser])
Changes the default parser to a custom one. Here’s one that parses paths like this:
riot.route.parser(function(path) {
var raw = path.slice(2).split('?'),
uri = raw[0].split('/'),
qs = raw[1],
params = {}
if (qs) {
qs.split('&').forEach(function(v) {
var c = v.split('=')
params[c[0]] = c[1]
return uri
And here you’ll receive the params when the URL changes:
riot.route(function(target, action, params) {
target = 'user'
action = 'activation'
params = { token: 'xyz' }
Second parser
>= v2.3
If you specify secondParser
, you can change the second parser, too. The second parser is used with url filter:
// This is the default parser
function second(path, filter) {
var re = new RegExp('^' + filter.replace(/\*/g, '([^/?#]+?)').replace(/\.\./, '.*') + '$')
if (args = path.match(re)) return args.slice(1)
riot.route.parser(first, second)
If the parser return nothing, the next route matching will be tried.
Routing groups
Traditional router on server-side is highly centralized, but recently we use routers everywhere on the page. Think about this case:
<p>First tag</p>
riot.route('/fruit/*', function(name) {
/* do something common */
<p>Second tag</p>
riot.route('/fruit/apple', function(name) {
/* do something SPECIAL */
Two tags have routings, and looks good? No, this won’t work. Because only one routing will emit and we can’t know which routing will, too. Then, we have to make separated routing groups for each tag definition. For example:
<p>First tag</p>
var subRoute = riot.route.create() // create another routing context
subRoute('/fruit/*', function(name) {
/* do something common */
<p>Second tag</p>
var subRoute = riot.route.create() // create another routing context
subRoute('/fruit/apple', function(name) {
/* do something SPECIAL */
Routing priority
The router will try to match routing from the first. So in the next case, routing-B and -C will never emit.
riot.route('/fruit/*', function(name) { /* */ }) // routing-A (1)
riot.route('/fruit/apple', function() { /* */ }) // routing-B (2)
riot.route('/fruit/orange', function() { /* */ }) // routing-C (3)
This will work fine:
riot.route('/fruit/apple', function() { /* */ }) // routing-B (1)
riot.route('/fruit/orange', function() { /* */ }) // routing-C (2)
riot.route('/fruit/*', function(name) { /* */ }) // routing-A (3)
And routings with filter has higher priority than routing without filter. It means that routing-X is defined first but execute at last in the next example:
riot.route(function() { /* */ }) // routing-X (3)
riot.route('/fruit/*', function() { /* */ }) // routing-Y (1)
riot.route('/sweet/*', function() { /* */ }) // routing-Z (2)